An Annual Giving Campaign Reflection
September 22, 2024
by Stuart Cochran
Good morning. My name is Stuart Cochran and I have been asked to say a few
words about this year’s annual giving campaign; “Where Your Heart Is”. For those
of you that I don’t know, I’ve been coming to Trinity Church for over 70 years. I’m
actually the sixth generation of my family to be a member of this congregation.
During my time at Trinity I’ve witnessed both “up” an “down” times. In my opinion
Trinity is certainly enjoying some of her greatest times now. Needless to say, I am
proud to be a member of Trinity Church. So, I care, support, volunteer and give to
Trinity Church because that’s where my heart is! WHY?
First of all, we have two wonderful priests in AJ and Cara. AJ is a tireless leader who
has reinvigorated the congregation. Not only is AJ my “spiritual advisor”, he is also
my friend. Cara is a quiet force. In my opinion she is the perfect compliment to AJ.
In addition, the choir and music programs under Gen’s leadership helps make the
10:30 service be even more special for me.
As someone who has served on the Finance Committee for almost half of my life, I
have learned both what a treasure we have in our church but also how expensive
this city block of buildings and grounds are to maintain. I have had personal
experience with older historical properties and I know better than most how
challenging, difficult and costly they are to maintain and keep up.
In addition to all of the above, to me Trinity has a sense of community and family. I
take comfort in knowing that if I was ever in need Trinity would be there in
multiple ways to support me. I am thankful for all of you. Some of you I know,
others I look forward to meeting BUT we are all family. You are part of my Trinity
So, I give to Trinity Church because I love it! It’s family. THIS is where my heart is!
Trinity Church is so much more than this warm, inviting, historic, beautiful church!
It is my hope that each and everyone of you will not only make a pledge to this
year’s “Where Your Heart Is” campaign, but I also challenge you to join Emily and
me in increasing your pledge. THANK YOU.