Wilderness, Transfiguration and Glimpses of Glory Let us pray.Dear God, kindle in us the fire of your great and merciful love. In the name of your transfigured son, Jesus Christ. …Continue Reading about Wilderness, Transfiguration and Glimpses of Glory
Giving What We Have Received Theological Truth: Loving the world changes the world. Come Holy Spirit, and kindle in us the fire of your Love. Send forth …Continue Reading about Giving What We Have Received
The Beatitudes and Joan Baez This life is a thump-ripe melon, so sweet and such a mess. For several years, I kept these words written on a post-it note in …Continue Reading about The Beatitudes and Joan Baez
Who are we to be? I suspect that some of you have had this experience. It’s a family reunion, or a staff meeting, or coffee hour after church, and …Continue Reading about Who are we to be?