God’s Love Makes All the Difference in the World Theological Truth: Our work is to abide in Christ, neither going too far ahead, nor lagging too far behind. And definitely not …Continue Reading about God’s Love Makes All the Difference in the World
Life Punctated by Resurrection Theological Truth: The Resurrection invites us into new way of living. How will we respond? Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Lord …Continue Reading about Life Punctated by Resurrection
Giving Up Ourselves to God’s Service Theological Truth: By dying to self we find our true identity rather than losing it. In the name of God: Father, Son and Holy …Continue Reading about Giving Up Ourselves to God’s Service
Wise Foolishness, Strong Weakness Theological Truth: In the upside-down kingdom of God in Christ, what may seem like foolishness is wisdom. What seems like weakness …Continue Reading about Wise Foolishness, Strong Weakness