Votive candles – a new invitation to prayer On any given day, particularly as the weather warms and tourists return, you can hear people "ooh-ing" and "aaah-ing" at the …Continue Reading about Votive candles – a new invitation to prayer
Going into the Dark Theological Truth: By accepting that death is inevitable but not insurmountable, painful but not permanent, we can join Jesus in …Continue Reading about Going into the Dark
No Shortcuts, No Substitutes Theological Truth: Lent provides the opportunity to remember we are called to follow Jesus—the way of the cross and the way of …Continue Reading about No Shortcuts, No Substitutes
Salt and Light, Powerful as Water Theological Truth: To be disciples of Christ means bringing about God’s kingdom. We don’t have to be more than we are, but we do …Continue Reading about Salt and Light, Powerful as Water