Father AJ’s Sermon March 20, 2022: Getting What We Deserve Theological Truth: Repentance isn’t a one-time act. It’s a lifetime practice that makes us aware we don’t get what we deserve, we …Continue Reading about Father AJ’s Sermon March 20, 2022: Getting What We Deserve
Father AJ’s Sermon March 6, 2022: Binding Our Wandering Hearts Theological Truth: “First-fruits” giving helps keep us connected to who we are and whose we are. In the name of God: Father, …Continue Reading about Father AJ’s Sermon March 6, 2022: Binding Our Wandering Hearts
Father AJ’s Sermon Ash Wednesday 2022: So What’s Now? Theological Truth: When we accept death as a given, we can turn our attention to how we are living now. In the name of God: …Continue Reading about Father AJ’s Sermon Ash Wednesday 2022: So What’s Now?
Father AJ’s Sermon, 2/20/22: Seeing Only Siblings Seeing Only Siblings Theological Truth: To love those who hate us isn’t a strategy to make us holy or secure peace (though it …Continue Reading about Father AJ’s Sermon, 2/20/22: Seeing Only Siblings