Neighbor to Neighbor: A Way of Life That Leads to Life Theological Truth: Loving our neighbor is more than an entry requirement for heaven. It’s a way of life (of living) that leads to …Continue Reading about Neighbor to Neighbor: A Way of Life That Leads to Life
Going Where God’s People Are Theological Truth: The Holy Spirit brings the power and presence of God’s love to light and life. Come Holy Spirit…fill our …Continue Reading about Going Where God’s People Are
Adding up to One Requires Addition and Subtraction Theological Truth: Christ prayed that we would be one. This reality requires adding some things and subtracting …Continue Reading about Adding up to One Requires Addition and Subtraction
Fr. AJ’s Sermon May 22, 2022: As Simple As Sharing A Meal Theological Truth: Hospitality spreads the hope, joy, and promise of the Resurrection out into the world. Alleluia! …Continue Reading about Fr. AJ’s Sermon May 22, 2022: As Simple As Sharing A Meal