Trinity Cares Ministry Celebrates Nine Years! We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. …Continue Reading about Trinity Cares Ministry Celebrates Nine Years!
Seeing Before Seeking Theological Truth: Seeking and serving Christ in all people starts with seeing them. You may have noticed a few visitors in …Continue Reading about Seeing Before Seeking
Seeing One Another Differently Theological Truth: The Gospel reorders our relationships and reimagines our status quo. In the Name of God: Father, Son, and …Continue Reading about Seeing One Another Differently
The World We Carry into the Church and the Praise We Carry into the World When I was growing up, the word church had just one definition for me—a building where people went on Sunday mornings to hear and …Continue Reading about The World We Carry into the Church and the Praise We Carry into the World