Theological Truth: Jesus’ first sign points to the good news of abundance, transformation and celebration.

Come Holy Spirit, and kindle in us the fire of your Love. Send forth your Spirit, and we shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the earth. Amen.
There are times when we become almost hypnotized by our ongoing daily routines; cycles where the monotony of repetition dulls our senses and lulls us into missing the abundance of God’s grace all around us. The long nights of winter are such times. Hopefully … occasionally … the Spirit breaks in, wakes us up, and reveals the power of God’s glory all around us.
Well friends. I have news that should snap us out of our winter doldrums. The Department of Historic Resources notified us late Friday afternoon that Trinity has been awarded a portion of the $20 million Virginia 250 Preservation Fund. Gov. Youngkin and the General Assembly established the fund in order “to support capital improvement projects at historic sites and museums” (Governor’s press release, 1/17/25) in anticipation of the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. Trinity parishioner and historic preservation expert Bill Frazier heard about the grant opportunity and knew of Trinity’s ongoing efforts to improve accessibility and our need to restore portions of our historic facilities. He realized the goals of the fund aligned with Trinity’s goals: to make our campus more appealing and accessible to the community. He felt like Trinity could submit a strong application. Boy was he right! Out of the initial 227 organizations expressing an interest, only 35 grants were awarded. Trinity is one of those 35!
While we still do not know the exact amount of what we’ve been awarded, we originally requested $516,000 and we hope to receive close to that amount. You heard correctly: over $500,000! When combined with the amount we will match (part of the grant requirements) we will be able to do a generation’s worth of exterior restoration work on our buildings, grounds, graveyard, fences and walls. We will also improve accessibility for those with mobility issues, create directional and interpretive signage, and install an accessible bathroom in the church. The exterior of our campus will reflect the vitality of the interior life of our congregation. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! And thank you, Bill Frazier and all those who worked diligently to submit the grant.
It’s a wonderful and transformative thing to witness the abundance of God’s providence. It grabs our attention and changes our perception, particularly when it comes at an unexpected time or place …. such as a wedding feast. John tells us in today’s gospel that, “Jesus did this, the first of his signs, in Cana of Galilee, and revealed his glory; and his disciples believed in him.” (Jn. 2:11). What had been merely a happy occasion became a life-changing event. Just when it looked like the party was over because the wine had given out, Jesus listens to his mother and saves the day …certainly saves the hosts from the unforgivable sin of running out of food or drink. But notice two things about what John calls a “sign,” rather than a miracle.
First, the quantity of wine miraculously produced is massive. Jesus doesn’t use the empty wine jugs that would have been lying around. Instead, he tells them to fill up all six of the clay jars used for purification rites. Each of those containers would have held twenty to thirty gallons. That’s not a quick run to the store to keep the party going for a bit. That’s a sign of the abundant life that is made known and provided in Christ. A life that never runs out.
Second, the quality of the wine is spectacular. Jesus is committed to both quality and quantity. The steward doesn’t know where this amazing wine comes from, he just knows it’s superior to what they had been drinking. With Jesus, we have it all. We have life, and we have it abundantly. We have joy, and we have it completely. There’s no need to settle for half-lived lives or be limited by scarcity-based mindsets. The first—the beginning—of Jesus’ signs reveals what John has already told us, “The Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth…From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” (Jn 1:14, 16).
The amazing news about the VA 250 Grant provides another reminder that from his fullness we all continue to receive. Grace upon grace. More than we can ask or imagine. But today’s Gospel also reminds us that Jesus doesn’t do this work alone. Everybody has a role to play. Mary notices the crisis and speaks up. She instructs the people to do whatever Jesus tells them needs doing. They carry those 180 gallons of water necessary to fill the empty jars. They risk taking some of the water that had become wine to the Chief Steward.
The point is, we all must do our part for the wine to flow; so that the abundance of God’s providence pours out freely. The work for this grant didn’t begin this fall. It’s the culmination of Muffie Newell and her committee’s work of identifying barriers to entry and advocating for improvements so that every person can access our facilities. It’s the generosity and commitment of Bizzy Lane to pay for the sewer line not knowing if it would ever be used. It’s the anonymous work of junior wardens who have done so much with so little. It’s the legacy of all those who have donated generously to build and maintain such beautiful sacred space. And it will take the gifts and efforts of all of us in the next year and a half.
I hope we will do this work with renewed trust and delighted astonishment that God continues to work through old, empty jars. God even works through old buildings, cautious hearts and seemingly limited resources—even and especially through us!—to bring about the joyous arrival of his kingdom. As Isaiah promised, “On this mountain the Lord of hosts will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wines, of rich food filled with marrow, of well-aged wines strained clear.” (Isaiah 25:6).
Today we get a glimpse of how trustworthy and true that promise is. I hope it delights and inspires us all to see the wonders of God’s abundance poured out on us once more. I also hope it motivates us in the months ahead to give generously, work joyfully, wait patiently, and welcome openly all those seeking a place at the banquet the Lord continues to make for all peoples.
Alleluia! Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us.
Therefore, let us keep the feast. Alleluia!
Sermon preached by The Rev. William AJ Heine at Trinity Episcopal Church, Staunton, Virginia, on January 19, 2025