A dozen or more members and friends of Trinity sewed squares which were then sewn together to make the “Hearts of Hope” quilt designed by Bonny Hunter. It was then hand quilted to create this lovely finished quilt. The dimensions are approximately 52” x 68”. The quilt will be on display at the fall parish picnic. Raffle tickets will be sold beginning on Sunday (11th) at the picnic for $5 each, 5 tickets for $20. The money raised will be donated to Episcopal Relief and Development‘s Ukraine Crisis Response fund assisting refugees from Ukraine throughout Europe. This assistance will vary depending on the needs of the specific refugee groups but includes food, shelter, emergency supplies and trauma counseling. Tickets will continue to be sold through the church office following September 11. The drawing for the winner of the quilt will be on All Saint’s Day, November 1, during the Tuesdays at Trinity dinner. Thank you in advance for your support of the Ukrainian people!