Sundays at 5 is our series of Choral Evensongs, special concerts and special liturgies, held about once per month, usually at 5 p.m. on Saturdays or Sundays in September through May. Evensongs are typically Tuesdays at 6 p.m. We welcome guest choirs, guest organists and other instrumentalists to be a part of these special events and services that are free of charge and open to the public. The Carl Broman Series enables a guest organist to present a full-length organ recital each year.
2024-25 Sundays at 5
October 27 (4 pm, not 5) Spooky Organ Concert Come in costume and sit in the gallery with Trinity Organist Virginia Bolena as she plays. Fun for all ages!
November 3 All Saints’ and Continuo Organ Dedicatory Concert 4: 30 pm pre-concert talk by Aaron Reicher, Joel VanderZee plays our new Continuo organ, and Adult Choir singing Vivaldi’s Gloria. A reception follows in McCracken Hall.
December 8 Advent Lessons and Carols Trinity Choirs sing this beautiful and traditional liturgy of scripture and music, beginning in darkness with the age-old Matin Responsory by Palestrina. Other music by Joubert, Campion, Wood, Bingham and Daley. A reception follows in McCracken Hall.
December 22 Christmas at Trinity Ring in the Christmas season with Britten’s A Ceremony of Carols sung by Senior Choristers with harpist Anastasia Jellison, and other Christmas favorites. After the concert, all are welcome to an informal carol sing with cookies and cocoa in McCracken Hall.
February 16 Evensong Choral Evensong, sung by Trinity Adult Choir
February 23 Senior Chorister Concert with Shenandoah Valley Children’s Choir
March 16 Annual Organ Concert in Memory of Carl Broman Played by Organist Christa Rakich, this concert is the first of a year-long celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the organ, Taylor & Boody, Opus 34.
April 6 Music for Lent with Choir and Orchestra Trinity Choir and soloists will sing a large portion of Handel’s Messiah, as well as other introspective music for Lent.
2024-25 Evensongs
followed by Tuesdays @ Trinity Dinners if on Tuesday
Tuesday, October 8 6 pm Sung by Senior Choristers
Sunday, February 16 5 pm Sung by Trinity Adults and Senior Choristers
Tuesday, March 11 6 pm Sung by Senior Choristers
Please contact Virginia Bolena, Organist & Director of Music at 540-886-9132 or through the Trinity Church contact form to be added to our email lists to receive notification about these special services and events.
Want to become a Friend of Music to help fund these concerts? Please mail donations to Trinity Church, PO Box 208, Staunton, VA, 24402, or donate online here.
Thank you for your generosity.