Trinity’s Chorister Program, rooted in the centuries-old Anglican choral tradition, enhances and supports liturgy and worship while providing young people with an excellent musical education conveyed through sacred music. We strive to create and strengthen a lifelong appreciation for music, equip our choristers with leadership skills, foster personal responsibility, and cultivate deep-rooted friendships. All young people in the Staunton community and beyond, regardless of religious affiliation, or no affiliation, are warmly welcome to participate in the program. While choristers participate in the parish’s worship services, they learn about the Christian faith in an environment that teaches God’s love for everyone and respects other beliefs and faith traditions.
Preparatory Choir
The Preparatory Choir is for young singers in kindergarten through 1st or 2nd grade. Singing games, pitch-matching practice and movement are at the heart of rehearsals. The Prep Choir sings in church about three times per year usually at the 10:30 a.m. liturgy and is co-directed by Constance Harrington and Kristin Reichert. Rehearsals: Tuesdays 3:45-4:15 pm.

Junior Choristers
Children in the Prep Choir who have mastered certain musical skills are promoted to Junior Choristers in about second grade. New choristers, entering the program in mid- to upper-elementary school, usually begin in Junior Choristers as well. Head Choristers, who sing in Senior Choristers, are appointed to serve as role-models for their younger peers. This system is highly effective in teaching children the many skills a good chorister must master. Music reading, understanding liturgy, ear training, and musical geography are just some of the components worked on during these rehearsals. Junior Choristers perform on the second Sunday of each month on “Fellowship Sunday” at the 10:30 a.m. Eucharist. Junior Choristers also attend a half-day Choir Camp for a week each June. Rehearsals: Tuesdays from 3:45 to 5 pm.

Senior Choristers
Our most advanced choir for children is comprised of choristers in middle and high school. These choristers sing great works of art, usually in two or three parts, and have opportunities for retreats, concerts and summer choir camps. Senior Choristers sing Evensong on the second Tuesday of most months, part of the “Tuesdays at Trinity” program, in addition to performances with the Trinity Choir on occasional Sunday mornings, and other services throughout the year. In July of 2024, Senior Choristers joined the Trinity Adult Choir to fill a week-long choir residency at Wells Cathedral in Somerset, UK for a week. We are hopeful that future cathedral residencies will occur about every four or five years.
To further enrich the musical education of our choristers, Trinity offers scholarships to attend summer choral training programs. We are proud that more than 75 percent of our choristers are currently able to attend those fabulous programs. Over the past few years, choristers have attended the RSCM Carolina Course at Duke University in Durham, NC, the renowned Girl Chorister Course at Saint Thomas Choir School in New York City and the RSCM Charlotte, NC Course. Rehearsals: Tuesdays 4:45-6:15 pm.

Trinity Choir
The Trinity Choir sings throughout the year at the 10:30 a.m. Sunday Eucharist as well as Choral Evensong and occasional concerts. In July 2024, members of this choir sang a weeklong Choir Residency at Wells Cathedral in Somerset, England, one of several choir trips to the UK over the past 25 years. We welcome singers from the parish and broader community, and new singers are welcome to join at any time. Previous experience in choirs and the ability to read music are helpful but not required. Rehearsals: Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m. and Sundays at 9:30 a.m. (September through Trinity Sunday).