Trinity Builds for the Future as a VA250 Grant Recipient One million dollars of historic preservation and accessibility improvement work is set to begin this month at Trinity Episcopal …Continue Reading about Trinity Builds for the Future as a VA250 Grant Recipient
On Fire, But Not Consumed Moses and the Burning Bush - Frank Wesley Theological Truth: God calls us to be a living sacrifice, not a burnt …Continue Reading about On Fire, But Not Consumed
Finding the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living What if I had not believedthat I should see the goodness of the Lordin the land of the living!O tarry and await the Lord’s …Continue Reading about Finding the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living
Celebrating Women Composers Last Sunday, March 9, we observed Woman Composer Sunday, an annual tradition since 2021 that highlights the contributions of women …Continue Reading about Celebrating Women Composers