Welcome to Trinity Church, Staunton, Virginia! We at Trinity offer a loving, open door to all people, regardless of where you are in your faith journey. Our faith centers on God in three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—and his boundless love for all.
We value the dignity of every human being, whether you are married, divorced, widowed, single, partnered, with children or without; our welcome knows no boundaries of age, race, ethnicity, culture, gender, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, religious affiliation, or economic status. We believe that God delights in the diversity of creation and so do we.
Whether you are baptized or confirmed in the Episcopal tradition, another tradition, or no tradition at all, everything we offer is open to you. If you are interested in becoming a member of our church, we are happy to welcome you, but that is not required. If you’re here, you belong.
Statement of Purpose
To welcome and encourage all in our journey with Christ; to provide a loving, active environment for Christian worship, learning and service; to utilize our Episcopal heritage and our unique gifts, resources and blessings as a witness in the community.
Worship and Prayer
Sunday services are traditional Episcopal services of Holy Eucharist (communion). During the week, we have simpler services of Morning and Evening Prayer and a Healing Prayer service. Mindfulness Meditation offers a different form of contemplation and spiritual experience. The Taize (Tay-zay) service, is an ecumenical service of chanted songs, meditation and readings by candlelight. You are welcome at all of our services. Learn more about Worship at Trinity.
Finding Your Place at Trinity
Whether through service to the community or simply enjoying a communal meal after a busy weekday, there are many opportunities for fellowship and connection here at Trinity. We invite you to join us for shared work or a shared table — you are welcome!
Families with Children
There is a place for everyone in the Trinity family, and children are much valued members of the community, whether in the pew during services, romping on the playground, singing anthems as choristers or making cookies for the Christmas Eve outreach dinner during Sunday School or Youth Group gatherings. Children especially love the fellowship at Spaghetti Supper, as well as our informal outdoor service, Mass on the Grass, and the potluck meal that follows. Our Chorister Program offers an opportunity for outstanding musical ministry and education to anyone from age 5 to 18, bringing together members of Trinity and participants from the community. Our youngest members eagerly anticipate many of our seasonal traditions including the Advent Event, Christmas Pageant and Easter Egg Hunt.
Ministering to Those in Need
Each weekday we serve lunch to anyone who stops by to eat. Our Noon Lunch Program is supported by many other churches and organizations in Staunton as well as our parish. Since 2004 we have made annual mission trips to the Copan district of Honduras building churches and offering help for community projects.
A Community Center
Trinity provides meeting and performance space for community groups. The Staunton Music Festival uses our facility to hold rehearsals, pre-concert talks and concerts. Alcoholics Anonymous and Gamblers Anonymous host meetings here each week. See our calendar for a complete listing of events and meetings.
The Episcopal Church
Joined in prayer, Episcopalians welcome people with different points of view and encourage open dialogue. We share a Christian faith that honors the Bible, the traditions of the Church and God-given human reason. Episcopalians struggle with the same issues that trouble all people of faith: how to interpret an ancient faith for today, how to reach out effectively to those who are in need, and how to disagree with respect. Though the struggles at times seem to be driving us apart, the heart of the Church is a welcome for all and a tolerance for diversity that keeps old traditions growing to new light. Learn more about the Episcopal Church.
We are so glad you are interested in our church. Please let us know if you have any questions or if you would like to know more about becoming a member of Trinity Church through our online contact form.