All Are Welcome
There’s a Place for You at Trinity
What’s Happening at Trinity!
This Sunday
8 am: Rite I Holy Eucharist
9 am: Nursery open in Parish House
9:15 am: Formation in Parish House
10:30 am: Rite II Holy Eucharist (organ and choir)
Music Events
Upcoming programs in our “Sundays at 5” series plus other performances by musicians at Trinity.

Welcome to Trinity Episcopal Church!
Father AJ Heine
Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, you are welcome at Trinity Episcopal Church. There’s a place for you here.
Trinity operates from the belief that God loves all, no exceptions. We base this on Jesus’ words that “God so loved the world that he sent only son….God did not send the son to condemn the world, but that the world may be saved, loved, liberated, and transformed by him, with him, through him and in him.”
You are a welcome part of this Good News. All are welcome!